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Shall we get together early to better enjoy the workshop?  

We have prepared two events on 11/22 (Thu).

1.  13:00~15:00 Technical Session for Soundscape Ecology

2.  15:30~17:00 Ice Breaking Party


1.  2018/11/22 (Thu) 13:00-15:00
Technical Session for Soundscape Ecology

林子皓 Tzu-Hao Lin

(Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology)

The soundscape is a newly emerging field of ecological informatics.  By listening to sounds, it is possible to investigate the behavior of vocalizing animals, weather change, human activities, and their interactions.  Soundscape can also be considered as an acoustical information to characterize wildlife habitats and ecological complexities.  However, the analysis of big acoustic data remains difficult for ecological researchers.  Besides, identification of all acoustical events is impossible and cautions need to be taken when acoustical indices are used as proxies of biodiversity.  In the technical session of soundscape ecology, we will introduce techniques relevant to the visualization and information retrieval of a soundscape.  Attendants from ecological science, information science, and other fields are all welcome to join the discussion and share your ideas in soundscape ecology.

The goal for participants

(1)  Feel the potential of soundscape information in ecological science.  Understand what you can
and can't do in soundscape ecology.

(2)  Bring your laptop! Let us learn how to visualize and extract soundscape information.

(3)  Find collaborators if you want to start your research in soundscape ecology.


If you haven't heard about soundscape ecology, here is a small website to introduce what we have done in Taiwan:  Please don't hesitate to join our discussion and bring your ideas/questions to the technical session.



2.    2018/11/22 (Thu) 15:30-17:00

Ice Breaking Party

Some members of organized sessions have group meetings.  This will be casual briefing and open to any participants, so you can freely join their discussion.  We will prepare some snacks and drinks including beers for comfortable conversation.  Small payment (100 NTD) is made on-site.  It would be greatly appreciated if participants bring foods or drinks for share.

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